* 06th October some new movies on You Tube : http://www.youtube.com/user/ozzwarrigal?feature=results_main

* 28th August '12 Cobar has gotten his breedingpermisson by the ACDCD e.V.

* 13th August '12 Cobar yearly eye-check clear, DOK frei

* 30th July '12 Sapp has gotten her full breedingpermisson by the ACDCD e.V.                  

* 15th July ACDCD Clubshow 2012 , judge Prof.Dr. Peter Friedrich
  Ozzwarrigal Cobar Cool Cooper
V2, res.Dt.Ch.VDH, res.CAC
Ozzwarrigal Whispering Ghost V2, res.Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, res.CAC


* 14th July '12 Inventarisierung Cobar and Sapp.
  Unlimited Breedingpermission by Prof.Dr. Peter Friedrich









* 08th June '12 Sapp yearly eye-check clear, DOK frei     

* At the 14th of July Sapp will take the last step in order to get her Breedingpermission in the ACDCD e.V.

* 27th Mai '12 Ozzwarrigal Whispering Ghost ( Sapp) has become SaarlandSieger 2012 for the second time just like last year.

* 02th April '12 Great news. Sapp has HD A1 and ED 0/ 0

* 14th April '12 New pictures Ozzwarrigal Whispering Ghost, Sapp

* 12th July '11 Ozzwarrigal Whispering Ghost has become SaarlandSieger 2011!

* 14th April '11 Sapp has passed her obedience exam with excellent results.



Interested in our history news??

                NEWS 2010-2011

                NEWS 2003-2009

